Heise [Newsticker]
Heise: The Mac inside the PC - for nothing
«Anybody who always wanted to check out if Mac OS indeed makes less problems than
Windows now can test this directly on the PC: Emulators Inc. offers the Macintosh emulator
Fusion PC for free download,
from now on. Emulators too over this sofware, which only runs under DOS (Window's DOS-Box does not
fit), last month. Next month they want to release the entire source-code, due to their own statements.
This shall become content of a tutorial on emulator programming.»
For full article, see titlelink (German).
As already reported here on 05-24-00, Microcode Solutions
gave Fusion PC license to Emulators, Inc. to have more free developer recources,
and more fund available.
[News message: 07. Sep. 2000, 08:06] [Comments: 0]
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