Andreas Kleinert via e-mail
Software updates by Andreas Kleinert
In recent days, PerSuaSiVe SoftWorX has released the following updates:
- akJFIF version 44.82
- akPNG version 44.82
- akTIFF version 44.82
- SViewIV version 9.10
- SV-PPC-Module version 24.8
Aside from the usual code maintenance, small and large speed improvements could be
achieved everywhere, with differing results on low- and high-end systems (depending
on CPU power and memory bandwidth). All programs can be downloaded from the website
at the title link.
We do not supply benchmarks, because we think they are worthless unless everybody could
verify them on his own (e.g. by using an open source benchmark program, freely available
graphics files and a clear system description).
[News message: 08. Aug. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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