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News from AmiWest
Teemu I. Yliselä has listened to the UGN live audio stream of Bill McEwen and basing on his notes (he did not record the stream himself) he summarized the following on ANN.

The target term for the release of the AmigaOne presently is December 2000. AmigaOne will base on Amiga's own motherboard design including not off the shelve components.

Amiga founded their own hardware department leaded by Dean Brown. This department is ought to design custom hardware for various devices, which then will be offered to third party manufacturers for production.

The SDK is selling better than expected. Amiga is in contact with a large number of big consumer electronics and software companies including every important game smithy. Many of them already purchased the SDK. After Bill McEwen's recent two TV gigs the companies' interest increased.

A SDK version for Windows will be available from next month.

From next week Read Hat will distribute the SDK. Sun started to utilize Amiga's software to present Java, too.

It is beeing planed to release beta versions of the OE.

Amiga plans to go public

Paul Nolan will take care of jobs under contract for Amiga.

Licences: No software developer will be forced to pay sums to Amiga. Instead of this there will be the possibility to take part in an unsolicited certification project. This project will offer the opportunity to put the Amiga lable on your own product, and the chance of your product beeing marketed directly by Amiga. This will cost 1,50$ US per sold unit.

Amiga will offer low cost promotion and merchandising products to the users.

At the show Amiga presented a touchscreen basing on the ARM and running with the new OE. The design came form Mick Tinker.

Back compatibility to the Classic Amiga will be carryed into effect by the OE using something which will not be an emulation.

[News message: 30. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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