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Heise: PowerPC in Reconfigurable Hardware
«Xilinx, the market leader for reconfigurable ICs by cooperation with IBM[1] obtains access to IBM's
PowerPC processor design. The PowerPC processor cores shall become connected to reconfigurable FPGA circuits.
Thus custom circutis can be integrated directly in the chip - without developing application specific ICs.
In general FPGA enables faster development along with fewer costs than with conventional chips. Additionally
FPGA basing produkts are more flexible, cause of the real circuit of the ICs can be changed easyly. Xilinx[2]
is planning a possibility for updates already integrated into the chips.
Beside the processor core and the aligned CoreConnect-Bus Xilinx gains acces to the current method of
copper production, by which they hope to enhance the performance of their chips. IBM with this cooperation
targets more promulgation of their PowerPC processor.»
The entire article is to read at the titlelink (German).
[News message: 29. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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