BTTR-Team by eMail
Back to the Roots News
Back to the Roots (http://www.back2roots.org), the Amiga Culture
Directory project, was updated again.
The companies Vision Software and Croteam are supporting our
little project now, too. Since today you can download the games
"Roadkill" and "Woody's World", as well as the brilliant soccer
game "5A-Side-Soccer", which is the indoor version of Football
Also the games Whale's Voyage 1+2, Black Viper, Fightin'
Spirit and Spherical Worlds from Neo Software are back online,
because the contract with Alive Mediasoft was never valid.
Impressions, the strategy experts from the States, are supporting
BTTR now for a long time and now we can give you the games
"Afrika Korps", "Airbucks" and "Caesar Deluxe" for free.
Demo scene freaks will find tons of new stuff (demos, pictures,
mods), too. Some of the new additions from the scene are looking
so great, that we can't describe them with words. They're a must
see. Especially most of the 64k intros are really fascinating as
well as all the new eye-candy in the pictures section.
For all those who don't know BTTR, yet: BTTR is a legal web project
which attempts to cover all areas of the Amiga (games, demos, tools,
pictures, music and much more). Commercial software (games, tools,
and so on) are offered for free download only with permission of the
[News message: 28. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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