CD³²-Allian via email
SHARKS!-wbesite reworked
"SHARKS!" is a game that takes place underwater. Aim of the game is to collect
treasures with a scuba diver and to get them to your boat. You have to pay attention
on sharks. A little arrow, at the right upper corner, points to the treasure. In later
levels are appearing jelly-fishes that touches are not deadly but decrease the score.
Electric eels do the same. SHARKS! is available since May 2000, the CD will cost 30DM
(for shipping outside of Germany add 5DM for postage) and can be ordered from:
Christian Steiner - Hansastraße 65 - 48465 Schüttorf
Tel: +49 5923/ 50 18 - Fax: +49 5923/ 50 18
[News message: 27. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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