Andreas Neumann on ANF
Textviewer: Next V2.9
Jürgen Klawitter released version 2.9 of his textviewer "Next". Among other things, this new version has a definite improved
"Word" import function, as well as support for additional packer formats.
Beside its function as a textviewer Next even suites as Amigaguide
replacement, HTML Offline Browser, Datatypes Viewer, Decruncher,
Archive Unpacker, Printer Utility, and some more.
The archiv with the programm will soon be released at Aminet and is
straight away even available on a new (by now still somewhat
Support-WWW-Site (titlelink) for "Next".
Download: Next2.9.lha (80K)
[News message: 02. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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