Martin Baute via eMail
Fourth BAUD Hardware Meeting!
On the weekend from September, 15th to 17th the Bielefelder Amiga Users & Developers (BAUD)
will arrange their fourth Hardware Meeting. On Saturday September, 16th every interessted Amiga user
to stop by. You can ask questions, admire at a "heterogenous networkt" (with Amiga superior in numbers
of course), and in general at all BAUDies together at one place. You can eat pizza (no, not for free ;-)), have
a look at the running AmigaSDK, etc., etc.
You will find further information at the titlelink.
Though the "new" invitationsite is not finished yet (there the invitation of the last meeting still is
to find), registration, way of arrival, and proposition are the same. An updated page will follow within this week!
So, we'll meet in Bielefeld, Germany....
[News message: 27. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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