Christian Gines at the ANF
Amiga software at http://www.downloadarchive.de/?
This I got from a newsletter as surftip:
"Downloads without end.
The downloadarchive.de offers many downloads in many sections. It does not matter
if you are looking for freeware, shareware, or demos of comercial games or programs.
Here you will find it. Every program is listed with description and details about
system requirements, downloadsize and downloadtime, and so on. In short time downloads
for Mac, Linux, and Amiga will be available."
Another interesting detail on the website:
"I you are looking for a spare time job we want your short application to
jobs@downloadarchive.de! We need persons who are familiar with one of the sections
Mac, Linux, and Amiga."
[News message: 26. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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