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John Zacharias via eMail

AmiWest 2000 Press Release 5
Petro Tyschtschenko will be guest at the AmiWest 2000, which will take place from 29 July to 30 July 2000 in Sacramento, California:

From: John Zacharias
Subject: AmiWest 2000 Press Release 5
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 18:26:58 -0700 (PDT)


Petro Tyschtschenko to be at AmiWest 2000!

Petro Tyschtschenko, Managing Director, Amiga International, Inc., has
announced that he will be joining Bill McEwen, President of Amiga, Inc., in
attending AmiWest 2000.

AmiWest 2000 is the west coast all Amiga show which is being produced in
Sacramento, California, at the popular Holiday Inn, Sacramento NorthEast,
5321 Date Avenue Sacramento, CA 95841, on Saturday, July 29th and Sunday,
July 30th, 2000.  The Holiday Inn venue proved to be such a hit for last
year's show that we are again holding it there.

Show times are Saturday 10am-5pm and Sunday 10am-4pm.

Admission to the show is:

    $ 8 (One Day Pass if paid in advance by July 15, 2000)
    $ 10 (One Day Pass at the door)
    $ 12 (Full Show Pass if paid in advance by July 15, 2000)
    $ 15 (Full Show Pass at the door)

A buffet banquet will be held on Saturday evening, July 29th, with Bill
McEwen as the guest speaker discussing the progress made to date on the new
Amigas.  Banquet tickets must be purchased in advance and are $35 per
plate.  They will NOT be sold on Friday nor Saturday due to the hotel
needing attendance figures for planning the banquet.  Seating is limited
and tickets are available on a first come, first served basis.

A form for ordering tickets can be found on our web page at:

AmiWest is in it's third year and is the only all Amiga show produced on
the West Coast.  The show has proved very popular for Amiga enthusiasts in
the Western United States.

You will be able to purchase the recently announced Software Development
Kit (SDK) for the new Amigas at AmiWest 2000.  The SDK is being sold by
several of the exhibitors at the show.

Mr.  McEwen and the re-birth of the new Amigas were recently featured in an
article in the New York Times (June 22).

You can learn more about AmiWest 2000 by accessing our web page at:

This weekend event will again showcase the progress that IS the Amiga

John Zacharias, chairperson
AmiWest 2000"

     From: John Zacharias      Email:


     Charperson, AmiWest 2000    www:

This message was composed and sent with AEMAIL
                                    (c) 1996, 2000 by John Zacharias

[News message: 23. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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