Kai Mache via email
Big Lottery for the - FUN OF COMPUTING NG -
The - FUN OF COMPUTING NG - will start next weekend and has to offer something
for everybody! Besides to many news of the exhibitors there will be a big lottery
with fantastic prices every day of this fair. Not only prices like joysticks, CDs
or mouses are waiting for you. Other prices are:
- 2 Amiga 1200
- 1 BVision (gfx-board)
- 1 Dreamcast
- 1 MP3-player
- 1 Paloma AV-module
- SuSE-Linux
- Linux-PPC
- Heretic II
- Candy Factory
- Monzoom Pro
- Amiga Writer 2
- Art Effect 4
- fxPaint
- TurboPrint 7 ... and many more!
The winners will be presented daily from 15:00 h. Many thanks to the companies for
the prices for this lottery. All sponsors are listed on the website of this event.
Also the list of exhibitors is updated. Eternity can be found there, too. They
will present "Tales of Tamar" and "EASys!" at the fair.This and many more of
information you will find in the internet, if you follow the titlelink. We wish all
of the visitors many interesting hours at the - FUN OF COMPUTING NG -!
[News message: 22. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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