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Exhibition Flyer now in - Inexpensive travel arrangements
The Flyer for the Neuss exhibition is now in. The article concerning the inexpensive travel arrangements especially caught our eye. For 7 Marks to the Exhibition and back As a train rider you have the least expensive option to come to the World of Alternatives in Neuss. The Deutsche Bahn has a Weekend ticket for 35DM. With this ticket you can travel all throughout Germany on regional trains without a mileage limit. This ticket has the following restrictions: It is valid from 12:00 AM to 3:00AM the following day on either Saturday or Sunday. Up to 5 people can ride on on single ticket. This makes this the cheapest way to get to the convention. More infos concerning this ticket at Deutsche Bahn

[News message: 07. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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