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Jens Schoenfeld via eMail

X-Surf Samba Install CD is done
Just in time for the convention the Samba-Install CD for the X-Surf ethernet card is finished. On the Amiga side everything is automatic, so there is no need to deal with complicated configuration files. A few clicks and you can access harddrives and printers in the network. For Amiga-Freaks that don`t care for Samba, NetFS will also be automatically installed. No editing of configuration files. The access performance of amiga-amiga is a bit higher. For the PC there isn`t a simple method of automation, but a HTML installation guide includes screenshots of all the important settings. The CD will be given to all X-Surf customers for free that are able to show the original bill of sale. Those that aren`t able to be in Neuss will have to order it from thier retailer. There are not any plans to distribute the CD without a customer order. Since the CD only contains 5.5 MB data, it will most probably be available on the internet after the convention. However it will be a while, since everything is in German and many of the users would not be able to benefit from it.

[News message: 07. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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