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Ali Goukassian by e-mail

World Launch of the NG AMIGA SDK on the show in Neuss
Bill McEwen confirmed it in his latest e-mail: AMIGA will present the new SDK (Software Development Kit) for the NG AMIGAs for the first time worldwide on the show in Neuss coming up next weekend. Bill himself intends to bring the SDK packs for the local exhibitors. The expected price will be about 250,- DM.

As scheduled, Bill will present the new system in a conference room, report about AMIGA's plans for the future, and answer user questions.

Bill only briefly attending on Sunday:

Since Bill has a very important interview with the New York Times on Sunday, he had to cut back his attending to the show to Saturday. If he will be present at all on Sunday, it will be only briefly. People focussing on the presentations should change plans to arrive on Saturday. The SDK will of course be available on Sundays, too.

[News message: 04. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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