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Ed Collins

TWF News
Read news on the games Explorer 2260 and Maim & Mangle:

Date: 04-jun-00 00:23:10
From: Ed Collins

Subject: [twf] June 2000 update

TWF News.

1. General Update
2. Explorer 2260 Update.
3. Maim & Mangle Update.
4. Next News Update


1. General Update

May could have been better. There was numerous problems with compiler bugs
driving both chris and massi mad. The problems were traced to bugs in the
StormC V3 compiler which wasted a lot of their time chasing code bugs that
didn't exist. On top of that Rob had a harddrive failure which didn't lose
much work but the replacement drive refused to format and took over a week
to get his A4000 working again with the new drive.

2. Explorer 2260 Update.

News this month:

    - Continuted working on MiniGL engine and object editor. Started
      modifying MiniGL texture code to support more formats and
      automatic card-friendly format conversion.

    - Fixed some problems with parts of the interface code, began
      an abstraction layer to make interface component handling
      code easier to port to Linux.

    - Extended object editor loading system to support plugin-style
      load libraries.

3. Maim & Mangle Update.

News this month:

    - There has been far too many problems with bugs in StormC V3. A lot of
      development time has been lost due to these compiler problems. We are
      switching development over to the GCC compiler (we may use StormC V4
      when it is released if the bugs we've experienced have been fixed).

    - The game engine is now running under miniGL, on both 060 and PPC.

    - Work has started on conversion of our editor tools to use miniGL.
      These should be ready within 2-3 weeks.

4. Next News Update

1st July 2000

All the best,

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The World Foundry LLC - Amiga PPC - Explorer 2260 - Maim & Mangle

[News message: 04. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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