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Martina Kramer by e-mail

Winner(s) Graphical Artists competition revealed
1ST JUNE 2000--OOSTERHOUT(NB)-NL--C&C·Logo and Design today announced the winner(s) of the Graphical Artist competition.

It took more time than we eventually had in mind, but we have picked a winner from out of more than 60+ contestors all over the World. The winner has already received word from us by email and will receive his work printed and framed by the end of next week, together with a contract for future partnership.

Originally one person would be all we needed, but as seen from all the artwork we have received, it seems that most people are very good at a specific part of art, but we needed someone more versatile. That is why we will contact a few more people in the next week, to ask if they would like to work for us whenever there's need for their specific artwork (paid of course).

[News message: 03. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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