Michael Heider on ANF
Linux-APUS kernel for "Mac on Linux" PPC Emulator available
At the title link, the kernel (vmlinux_mol.lha) is available for download.
The kernel is required for executing the runtime patches for the PPC emulator
MOL "Mac on Linux". In this kernel version 2.2.10 there is currently only
support for the IDE interface compiled in. More informations about the kernel
modules are available in the ".config" file in the packet vmlinux_mol.lha.
Kernel with SCSI drivers and IDE+SCSI drivers will follow within the next few days. Since
I lacked the tile to recompile and reconfigure the PPC emulator, I would very much
welcome if somebody would send me a binary package and a configuration file, if
possible with a short manual in German. Moreover I would offer my cooperation
with other developers. Questions, hints or criticism can be send to my mail address
[News message: 03. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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