CyberGraphX News
The final update of CGX V3 (CGX_r71) is available from the download area of the
CyberGraphX website. This version of CyberGraphX contains some bugfixes regarding
OS3.5 and the cgxsystem.lib 41.22. For CVPPC & BVPPC new drivers version 2.8
are available as well.
The download area was reworked and old single update files were removed.
If you are owner of VillageTronic hardware, the Service-Petition of
Paul Qureshi could be of interest
for you. With this petition, Paul wants to convince VillageTronic to release
the support documents to noted repair shops in different countries so that it
can be guaranteed that VT products will still be repaired in future.
[News message: 02. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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