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CD³² Allianz via eMail

CD³²-Allianz News
_*CD³² Developer-Kit available again*_

A few weeks ago, we had to remove the CD³² Developer-Kit from our homepage, as we were lacking the webspace and Gary Peake forced us to.
Now it's available again as we have webspace again and explained to Gary that we had the permission from Petro Tyschtschenko.

_*CD³²-Allianz visits the Amiga fair in Neuss*_

We will visit the fair event in Neuss so that you can get in touch with us. There you can discuss with us the future of the CD³², the current game situation of the CD³², CD³²-Allianz and the cooperation with amiga.topcool and so on. This is what we're looking forward the most.
Of course we will also try to get in touch with companies, distributors and software programmers and hope to present you positive news after the fair.

_*New distribution channels for CD³² Outside found*_

After the CD³² Outside can be found soon on the AmigaPlus- and AmigaFuture CD-ROM, as well as in the CD³²-Corner, we are pleased that our magazine will soon be also available on Aminet and the Aminet CD-ROMs. This will raise its acquaintance which should lead to a higher interest in the CD³². From which the CD³² Outside will benefit as well.

[News message: 02. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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