Rüdiger Engel
ZDNet: CeBIT Home cancelled
"This year there will be no CeBIT Home. This was confirmed to ZDNet by the Deutsche Messe AG on Thursday.
The press spokesperson of the Deutsche Messe, Eberhard Roloff, said: "The quality aspect is unreasonable
for those exhibitors who stayed with us." More details (German) at the title link.
Heise: CeBIT Home 2000 cancelled
The Computer and Multimedia Show CeBIT Home, planned for this late summer in Leipzig, has been cancelled.
The Deutsche Messe AG in Hannover has decided to call the show off due to the bad exhibitor numbers. The
whole concept of a multimedia show addressing the private user is to be rethought. Only a few days
before, the Messe AG has stated that they wanted to stick with the show concept this year, too.
It would have been the third CeBIT Home. Because of the World Exposition Expo 2000 in Hannover, Leipzig
was chosen as alternative. Several well-known exhibitors were missing two years ago already. Back then,
586 exhibitors were attending. The number of visitors declined from 200,000 to about 180,000."
[News message: 31. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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