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Andreas Magerl by e-mail

APC&TCP: Faces of Mars
At the Amiga-show in Neuss (germany) APC&TCP release again a cd-rom for Amiga with the Name Faces of Mars 2001:

fom2001 is the cd-rom collection of the Faces of Mars-pd-series. The best of the over 500 disks can be found on this shareware-CD-ROM. All programms are tested under OS 3.5. The games, programms, pictures, animations, mods and texts can be found in these main-drawers: 1982 (classic games), Babylon 5, Esotherik, Fantasy, FOM, Games, History, Jokes, Mathematics, Misc, Science, Science Fiction, Space, Star Trek and Star Wars.

Beside that there will be several bonus programms for internet-users like a free email-address, link to the personal homepage, discussion-group and The Portal, a starting point for the web, including, email, search-engine, webcards and e-commerce.

Also are two audio-tracks included: fom2001 and They came from Outer Space!

[News message: 28. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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