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Tom Crecelius in ANF

Goal2000! purchase risks, Alive-Mediasoft maintains silence
Tom Crecelius writes in ANF:
I have purchased the game Goal2000! from Alive-Mediasoft some weeks ago. After receiving the CD, I noticed an error on the CD. Not Goal2000! is on the CD, but only Goal!. After decrunching the "Goal2000-1.DMS" archive to disk and booting it up, an intro appears with the contents: "Goal! - The Championchip League. Broken by Q.U.A.R.T.E.X in 1993"!!

When the menu appears, it is entirely obvious that this is Goal! and not Goal2000!. Despite multiple attempts to get into touch with Alive-Mediasoft via mail and despite former (before I had payed) good mail contact I couldn't get a reply from Alive-Mediasoft up to this day. Maybe they will now reply...

So be careful if you are interested in "Goal2000!".

[News message: 26. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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