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Alexander Kurtz on ANF

Aminet-GUI now banner-free again
Alexander Kurtz writes:
Due to me doing my military service in the Luftwaffe starting May 1st, 2000, only now I saw that Prohosting has changed their rules and is now placing a banner to every page ending on .html or .htm.

These banners sadly destroyed the looks, if not the usability of the GUI. Due to my military service I was able to react only now. The GUI should be free again of Prohosting banners in all important frames. So it is again possible to navigate the page, and make use of it.

I want to say sorry to all visitors of my site, and warmly invite you to visit my site again as frequently as before. Soon I will create an archive saving the upload lists, so they can be saved for reference. I can NOT check them for obsolete files, however, but would welcome hints.

Again I want to stress that I am maintaining the GUI all alone, and that I am still looking for someone interested in assisting me, since my online time is right now limited to weekends. Please contact

[News message: 13. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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