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Czech Amiga News

ATC v1.1 prerelease 8
On May, 9th 2000 the prerelease 8 of version 1.1 of the FTP-client AmiTradCenter is published. The programm is able to parse FTP-URLs and offers ADT (Aminet Directory Tool) -support. Changes to version 7 of the prerelease are:
  • change: improved check of "Ram:/ram disk:"
  • change: the FTP-Type command is not sended until next change of type
  • change: the way the ftp.lib checks the result of the ABOR command and the EOT has changed, so the programm should be more compatible
  • bugfix: the serverlist was displayed as hosted if the first entry in the .profile-file was a list and this was marked as active server
  • bugfix: if the mode of a running but not connected serverentry was changed and then a connection to this server was established the GUI did not show the new mode
  • change: the ADT-buttons (dl readmes, keep dirtree...) are moved to the server-group of the main-preferences program
  • bugfix: ATC was not able to set the active server if you are not using the patched listtree.mcc class
  • change: if a server is added to a closed group now the group is opened before the entry is added

Download:ATC 1.1pre8.lha

[News message: 11. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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