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Steffen Haeuser by e-mail

News on THF
After some months of development, the multiplayer add-on "The Heretic Fortress" for Heretic II is finally finished (actually it had been for a while already, but I did not find the time for an announcement). THF bases on the latest source from the PC version of THF, v4.5, and supports joining PC- as well as Amiga-servers. It will be released in time with Heretic II.

The requirements are the same as with Heretic II (PowerPC, WarpOS v4 installed, 64 MB RAM, hard drive, CD-ROM). Warp3D support is optional (since THF is based on the Heretic II engine). The full version of Heretic II has to be installed.

[News message: 08. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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