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Harry Sintonen by e-mail

New MUI is comming!
Laire (Ralph Schmidt, coder of the now-gone phase5 and the founder of MorphOS project) said this on ircnet #amiga around Sat May 6 00:50 EEST 2000.

We were talking about AmigArt Morphos poll (saying that 41,5% won't buy Morphos unless WOS and WarpUP support is added):

Laire: these 41,5% people will fall down at once if they can use *real*
        ppc apps
Laire: 00.029| PowerUP:NewKernel/emulmodules/execppc> ls mui:libs/mui/*.elf
Laire: Directory "mui:libs/mui" on Freitag 05-Mai-00
Laire: Menudisplay.mui.elf        34835 ----rw-d Gestern    20:05:17
Laire: Framedisplay.mui.elf       30472 ----rw-d Gestern    20:07:32
Laire: Gauge.mui.elf              56374 ----rw-d Gestern    20:08:48
Laire: Pendisplay.mui.elf         57237 ----rw-d Gestern    20:09:57
Laire: Colorfield.mui.elf         30566 ----rw-d Gestern    20:00:56
Laire: Imageadjust.mui.elf        73443 ----rw-d Gestern    20:56:05
Laire: Virtgroup.mui.elf          47757 ----rw-d Gestern    20:02:50
Laire: Scrollgroup.mui.elf        32281 ----rw-d Gestern    20:04:02
Laire: Imagedisplay.mui.elf       33297 ----rw-d Gestern    20:06:30
Laire: Frameadjust.mui.elf        33708 ----rw-d Gestern    20:11:09
Laire: Popimage.mui.elf           31479 ----rw-d Gestern    20:14:10
Laire: Poppen.mui.elf             31333 ----rw-d Gestern    20:15:13
Laire: Popscreen.mui.elf          31703 ----rw-d Gestern    20:16:18
Laire: Dtpic.mui.elf              29741 ----rw-d Gestern    20:17:19
Laire: Popasl.mui.elf             62359 ----rw-d Gestern    20:18:35
Laire: Selectgroup.mui.elf        29840 ----rw-d Gestern    20:19:38
Laire: Aboutmui.mui.elf           44666 ----rw-d Gestern    20:21:42
Laire: like that for example ?:-)
Laire: mui ppc classes
Laire: for the current 3.9(4.0) beta..

(included here with permission from Ralph)

So MUI4 *is* really coming, it seems. How come Ralph seems to be the only one that REALLY makes things happen. :-)

Oh yes, and this is really no news as Ralph pointed out. Just read the text at the title link.

There has been some internal discussion about this. I think it is important to check the results of the poll mentioned yourself, since there have been more than two options in it... (mb)

[News message: 06. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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