Rolf Roth on ANF
PlayGUI version 2.8 released
PlayGUI 2.8 can now be downloaded from the PlayGUI website. There have been several
changes, here a short excerpt from the list:
- AUTOPLAY option. PlayGUI can now replay the mods directly after loading; so you
don't have to press PLAY. This feature can be enabled and disabled.
- Improved 'About' window, in which you can start YAM or a browser to write an
email to the author or to get to the PlayGUI website.
- PLONESTART. You can now start Plone automatically on PlayGUI startup.
- STARTMODINFO. You can now start ModInfo automatically on PlayGUI startup.
- The currently replayed sample can be copied to a preconfigured path with a menu
- Extensive configuration for PlayGUI presets.
- NO TOOLTYPES anymore! PlayGUI now has a config file!
Download: PlayGUI.lha - 665 Kb
[News message: 29. Apr. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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