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VHI Studio 5 available
The successor of VLRec NG offers a breathtaking range of new features, and already supports numerous digital cameras and digitizers. Pictures can be edited, optimized, reloaded or send to fxPAINT directly in / from VHI Studio; MPEG clips are saved in so far unknown speeds without temporary saves; all frames and pictures held in memory can be loaded from any program by virtue of a virtual drive, up to nine input lines (depending on employed hardware) can be supervised simultaneously.

Since VHI Studio is distributed on CD, there is enough space for all VHI drivers and CPU optimized versions of the VHI Studio modules. Owners of digital cameras now have new possibilities with VHI Studio: Record video clips, create time lens recordings, read the pictures from your camera or implement a WebCam. On the new VHI Stuido homepage, you can now join a guided tour, and find detailed answers to frequent questions!
Download: VHIStudio.lha. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 22. Apr. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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