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MUIbase-1.4.lha      biz/dbase  1.8M+Powerful programmable relational databas
PQL.lha              biz/dbase  154K+The "plain query language" is a kind of 
superstats.lha       comm/maxs   15K+Stats door for maxs bbs 0.2b
Charon.lha           comm/net   151K+Download manager
MiamiDxWebCP.lha     comm/net   104K+MiamiDxWebCP 1.1 - a Web Control Panel f
nc_update.lha        comm/news  155K+Newsreader Version 1.29 (MUI)
newscoaster.lha      comm/news  319K+Newsreader Version 1.29 (MUI)
IBrowseSP.lha        comm/www    16K+IBrowse 2.x spanish catalogs v1.52
continum.lha         demo/aga   726K+Presented at Ukonx party 2000
CdBS-Enclume.lha     demo/euro  2.3M+PPC/Warp3D Demo by CdBS Software (2nd at
MWI-SDV25.lha        demo/mag   3.3M+SAVE DA VINYL #25 a&b - packmag by Madwi
Gds-Divine.lha       demo/slide 710K+A slideshow by Typhoon/Gods
powerd.lha           dev/e      361K+New powerful programming language v0.14
ScalosDev.lha        dev/misc    58K+Scalos Development 
AmigaPoWeR.lha       docs/hyper  69K+AMiGa=PoWeR French Amiga Magazine
AaktInt0300.lha      docs/mags  278K+International infotainment magazine
AaktInt0300GFX.lha   docs/mags  353K+International infotainment magazine (gra
AaktInt0400.lha      docs/mags  300K+International infotainment magazine
AaktInt0400GFX.lha   docs/mags  523K+International infotainment magazine (gra
SnapshotF1GP.lha     game/misc   19K+Record action from F1GP as IFF images V1
WormWars.lha         game/misc  687K+WormWars 5.6: Advanced snake game
StarWarsADV.lha      game/role  373K+Star Wars - Textadventure (german)
HitPuzzleReg.lha     game/think 216K+HIT PUZZLE "REGISTERED"- A puzzle game b
HitTiles2SEreg.lha   game/think 422K+HIT TILES 2 SPECIAL EDITION "REGISTERED"
PfPaint_info.lha     gfx/edit     0K+PerfectPaint info
Frogger.lha          gfx/show   826K+Ultimate MPEG video player (PUP & WOS & 
DAlmanac_Exe.lha     misc/sci   1.4M+Next Generation Planetarium (1.8.14)
IndygoSAT99-01.mpg   mods/mpg    10M+1/14 Indygo "liveact at Satellite'99"
IndygoSAT99-02.mpg   mods/mpg   8.0M+2/14 Indygo "liveact at Satellite'99"
bO-014.lha           mods/techn 398K+#014 bOhema release by tzx
bO-015.lha           mods/techn 421K+#015 bOhema release by spektra
SampleE.lha          mus/edit   285K+16Bit Stereo HD-Edit Sample Editor AHI-s
SampleZ.lha          mus/edit   117K+16Bit HD-Edit SampleEditor successor of 
EP_DynamicSynt.lha   mus/play     4K+EaglePlayer "Dynamic Synthesizer" extern
NewWEBFontSet.lha    text/bfont  29K+Prop. & fixed fontset for Web-Browser
CharMap.lha          text/font   63K+Display the whole charset of a given fon
Epson_400.lha        text/print  15K+Epson Stylus 400/440/460 Driver for WB V
Epson_600.lha        text/print  16K+Epson Stylus 600/700 Driver for WB V40.1
DateLib.lha          util/libs  245K+Library to help you calculate dates
eNote.lha            util/misc  123K+Electronical notebook
HitUtility.lha       util/misc  118K+HIT UTILITIES - Small WB utilities
WHDInfo110.lha       util/misc   11K+WHDLoad slave examiner for HD games V1.1
Scalos.lha           util/wb    432K+Satanic Dreams' workbench replacement
(Translation: mb)

[News message: 21. Apr. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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