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Andreas Kleinert via eMail

"Computer Zeitung" issue 16/2000
The German magazine "Computer Zeitung" 16/200 (German magazine for skilled workers and managers in the IT business) of April 20 features an article by Marc A. Pletzer about the faction struggles between operating systems. In a historical outline, the C128 and Atari are mentioned, and regarding the C= computers it says: "Based on those experiences, Commodore's programmers developed the AmigaOS, a multitasking-enabled operating system with graphical user interface. Long before Windows NT and OS/2, this operating system had an internal 32 bit structure as it was developed for Motorola's 32 bit chips.". Apple is highlighted also. Later it says: "But Apple never served the mass market with its average demands of technology. Microsoft on the contrary very much."

Linux is mentioned in an extra box, which had "a bright future": "especially in the multimedia field, Linux is predicted first-class chances".

It's rather unusual to find articles in such publications that positively mention alternate operating systems, accordingly the Amiga is mostly excluded from such overviews - with the increasing acceptance of Linux and significance of multimedia this astonishingly seems to change... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 21. Apr. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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