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Hans-Jörg Frieden via eMail

Hyperion: Heretic II demo released
Hyperion is proud to announce the release of the Heretic-II-demo. This demoshould give an impression what the final relase has to offer. The full version of the game can be ordered from Titan Computer.

Because of the size of the download (41 MB) here a list of the required hardware:
  • PPC Amiga with WarpOS 4 or higher
  • 64 MB RAM
  • 70 MB hardrive space
  • AGA or GFX-board(recommended)
  • for 3D-enhancement: WARP3D-compatible GFX-board (Permedia-2-class EXTREMLY recommended)
  • AHI 4

The archive is 41 MB big and lha-packed. Simply unpack on harddrive and doubleclick the "Run_HereticII"-icon. The final product will be released soon.

Download:h2demo.lha - 41 MB

Post Scriptum: Hans-Jörg Frieden informed us by e-mail: Sadly we had to temporarily remove the Heretic II demo from our web-page. The demand for it was so big that we exceeded our ISP's transfer allowance a bit. We will find a new place for it ASAP, until then we have to ask for your patience. Thank you, your Hyperion team. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 20. Apr. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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