Hans-Jörg Frieden by e-mail
Hyperion announces their Amiga plans for 2000
In the next days, Hyperion will celebrate it's first birthday. When we started
this endeavor, it was our declared goal to bring high-quality high-end entertainment
software to the Amiga.
We believe we are on the best way to achieve this. In the last year, we created
an impressive code base, which will allow us to significantly reduce our time-to-product
in the future. This code base is now partially available for the Amiga community, too:
MiniGL, chunkyppc.library, the new Warp3D version (in cooperation with Sam Jordan) etc.
We work with two of the most inpressive 3D engines, the Quake-II and the LithTech engine.
In cooperation with Titan, we brought the Smacker Video Codec to the Amiga, a real
industrial standard. In the next months, we are ready to significantly speed up
the development cycle. This is why we want to answer some frequently asked questions.
(Translation: mb)
[News message: 19. Apr. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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