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Steven Flowers via eMail

Two new games (Website currently down)
Alive Mediasoft will publish two new games in April: Super Taekwondo Master and Cedric and the Search for the Magic Sceptre. Super Taekwondo Master is a 2D action simulation with one- and two-player modes.

Cedric and the Search for the Magic Sceptre is an action role-playing game in which you play the role of the heroic Cedric who undyingly fell in love with the daughter of the king. This love is reciprocated, but of course the king won't let his daughter marry a commoner. One day the king's magic sceptre is stolen, and Cedric now gets the chance to raise his reputation by returning the sceptre. In the process, Cedric has to master some adventures. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 24. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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