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Bob Scharp by eMail

Amiga 2K - Developers Conference
here will be a developers conference at the Amiga 2K (beginning of april in St. Louis). Here is the press release:

Developers wishing to develop for the newest and most experienced of the "Multimedia" and "Digitally Enlightened" Computers of the last two decades. Here's your chance to sink your teeth into development on a platform that is fun , challenging and with a known name in multimedia and video.

Amiga Inc. will conduct their first "Developers Conference" at the Amiga 2K show in St. Louis, MO. USA. If you are a current, past or future potential Developer for the Amiga Computer platform, you need to attend this conference.

Amiga Inc. will have all of their executives present to discuss the platform and answer questions. Experienced Amiga staff will present the "One on One" sessions. You need to attend, to get a hands on perspective of the newest and best platform development systems.

To be accepted for this conference, you must fill in the "Developers Form." Upon acceptance, you will be notified by Amiga Inc. Upon entry to the conference, you will be required to show a photo ID, and sign a NDA (non-disclosure agreement).

Schedule of Conference

Friday March 31st, 6 PM - 8 PM - Introduction and discussions
Saturday April 1st, 2 PM - 4 PM - One on one meetings
Sunday April 2nd, 10 AM - 12 PM - One on one Meetings

Please go to the Amiga 2K show site, click on the "Developers Form" link and fill out the form. Amiga Inc. will review your form and email you as to your acceptance for this conference. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 13. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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