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Aminet Recent

Recent Aminet Uploads
VProDB.lha           biz/dbase  833K+Vista Pro landscapes database. English/F
fxPAINTDemo.lha      biz/demo   1.5M+THE new image-processing and paint-packa
ProspEd.lha          biz/demo    56K+V1.0.2 Form Editor For TurboFat (ITALIAN
QuatuorDemoR1.lha    biz/demo   625K+Nice diary/calendar/calendars editor.
TBolDEMO.lha         biz/demo    69K+V1.2.0 Material receipt program,(BOLLE M
TCom2DEMO.lha        biz/demo    68K+V2.3.0 Amiga order program,(COMMESSE ITA
PowerballDemo.lha    biz/dkg    435K+Demo version of a puzzle game by Darkage
TfH_manual.lha       biz/dkg      3K+Missing manual for "Tales from Heaven"
OpusMI.lha           biz/dopus  652K+Glow Icon DOpus Images
OrganiserITA.lha     biz/misc     8K+Italian catalog for Digita Organiser 2.0
WW7Dt_Upd.lha        biz/patch   12K+Wordworth 7 German catalog update v1.3 (
fmt132.lha           comm/bbs   204K+Multi-Top V1.32 - Bull Creator for FAME
PMBSControl.lha      comm/bbs    41K+Multicontrol Commodity for Prometheus (G
ICQUpd.lha           comm/irc     2K+Grab the latest STRICQ version with AmIR
Mail.lha             comm/irc     1K+Advanced email script for AmIRC. Now wit
NetInfo.lha          comm/irc    31K+(2.6) NetInfo plugin for AmIRC 2+
piglatin.lha         comm/irc     1K+A pig latin converter for AmIRC
yam2_pl.lha          comm/mail   21K+Official new bugfixed (again) polish cat
AmIRC2STRICQ.lha     comm/misc   12K+(1.2) FULLY controlls STRICQ from AmIRC!
dc240wizard13.lha    comm/misc  115K+Tool for Kodak DC240 digital camera
dvbcontrol.lha       comm/misc  304K+V1.28 D-Box/Mediamaster Settings Editor
Charon.lha           comm/net   118K+Download manager
nc_update.lha        comm/news  155K+Newsreader Version 1.26 (MUI)
newscoaster.lha      comm/news  321K+Newsreader Version 1.26 (MUI)
AmiTradeCenter.lha   comm/tcp   374K+Powerfull FTP-Client with ADT support
facts.lha            comm/tcp    76K+V3.1/GUI - NTP clock synchroniser/AutoDS
MPhone_DELTAV.lha    comm/tcp     3K+MiamiPhone DELTAV price (HUNGARIAN)
nntpsend.lha         comm/tcp    11K+Sends E-Mails to given newsserver (0.7),
StofaLogger.lha      comm/tcp    10K+StofaNet login/logout utility with GUI
tcpautostart.lha     comm/tcp     7K+Automatic ip-up for miami, with all prog
TView.lha            comm/tcp    61K+List TV-programs in Europe. (V1.2 Now pe
YGM.lha              comm/tcp   122K+Checks POP3 mailboxes for new mail
js_umsrfc.lha        comm/ums    73K+Umsrfc update (1.5)
aweblastpages.lha    comm/www    49K+Loads Last Visited html pages in AWeb3.3
LdirHTML.lha         comm/www    14K+V1.00 Create HTML page for dir+sub conte
MassDL.lha           comm/www    22K+Save links/images of HTML doc.(AWeb) v1.
Rogobo.lha           comm/www    31K+Javascript rollover generator - EASY!
Stonehenge2017.lha   demo/aga   5.8M+AGA-Demo from CORTEX2017 (first relase)
crt-jointro.lha      demo/intro 133K+JointTro by Creator'93
crt-zoomtro.lha      demo/intro 183K+ZoomTro unregistered version'94
crt-unnatural.lha    demo/track 498K+Unnatural Forces by Creator
BlitzLstJan2k.lha    dev/basic  396K+Messages Posted To The Blitz List Jan 2K
clockita.lha         dev/basic   46K+Italian clock with alarm + source code
Amiga-C-Jan00.lha    dev/c       53K+Postings to Amiga-C mailing list in Janu
AsyncIOPPCdev.lha    dev/c        4K+Use asyncio.library under PPC (PowerUP) 
MPEGAPPCdev.lha      dev/c        2K+Use mpega.library under PPC (PowerUP) (g
audiostream_sr.lha   dev/e      270K+AudioSTREAM source code
powerd.lha           dev/e      345K+New powerful programming language v0.12
pmdev.lha            dev/gui    205K+PopupMenu.library V9.00
diskreader.lha       dev/misc    13K+Code to write disk image creators
evaluate.lha         dev/misc    14K+Code to evaluate algebraic strings
WHDLoad_dev.lha      dev/misc   317K+HD-Installer for OS-Killer
WHDLoad_usr.lha      dev/misc   116K+HD-Installer for OS-Killer
MCC_Wheel.lha        dev/mui     90K+Like modulation wheel of a keyboard
QuickCD13a.lha       disk/cdrom  75K+Small CLI based Audio CD Player [v1.3]
DC60_config.lha      disk/misc   20K+DosControl6.0 better fileID+packmenuV0.2
ViewDiz.lha          disk/misc   14K+French Catalog for ViewDiz 2.1
AminetCD1-35.lha     docs/lists 1.5M+Index of Aminet CDs 1-35
Video.Guide.lha      docs/lists  64K+Videofilme.Guide, German
Aakt0200GFX.lha      docs/mags  766K+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
Aakt0200GUIDE.lha    docs/mags   90K+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
ACNews_18.lha        docs/mags   40K+E-zine focused on Amiga News: #18-Februa
AIOV32.lha           docs/mags  298K+Amiga Information Online, Issue 32 (Janu
WarpUp-Jan00.lha     docs/misc  155K+Postings to WarpUp mailing list in Janua
2hot4AIO.lha         docs/rview  39K+Articles TOO HOT FOR A.I.O!
BruceLee.lha         game/2play 501K+Bruce Lee, The C64 game.
BROD.lha             game/actio 598K+Galaga-like game from Croatia
Lekis_CF_Maps.lha    game/data   26K+4 Cannon Fodder levels
CrazySue.lha         game/jump  306K+Classic PD platform game "Crazy Sue"
CrazySueII.lha       game/jump  456K+Classic PD platform game "Crazy Sue II"
sg2ishi.lha          game/misc   24K+Convert Smart Go to Ishi Go(68k/ppc/wos)
spndzyhd.lha         game/patch   8K+HD Installer for Spindizzy Worlds v1.1
WHDDragonflght.lha   game/patch  23K+HD Installer for Dragonflight V1.1
WHDIDemos.lzh        game/patch 724K+Harddisk Installs using WHDLoad
WHDIGamesA-B.lzh     game/patch 950K+Harddisk Installs using WHDLoad
WHDIGamesC-D.lzh     game/patch 971K+Harddisk Installs using WHDLoad
WHDIGamesE-F.lzh     game/patch 617K+Harddisk Installs using WHDLoad
WHDIGamesG-I.lzh     game/patch 920K+Harddisk Installs using WHDLoad
WHDIGamesJ-M.lzh     game/patch 947K+Harddisk Installs using WHDLoad
WHDIGamesN-R.lzh     game/patch 972K+Harddisk Installs using WHDLoad
WHDIGamesS-T.lzh     game/patch 1.1M+Harddisk Installs using WHDLoad
WHDIGamesU-Z.lzh     game/patch 547K+Harddisk Installs using WHDLoad
WHDRainbow.lha       game/patch  20K+HD Installer for Rainbow Warrior V1.1
space0.6b.lha        game/shoot 1.2M+Space shooter for 3D graphics card and P
SSheep.lha           game/shoot 222K+Kill the Sheep!
SameGame.lha         game/think  12K+Addictive puzzle game with colored balls
slrx12.lha           game/think 110K+Cool multi solitaire game with REKO card
HBMonopoly.lha       game/wb    512K+V2.0 Monopoly now as network game!
chunkyppc.lha        gfx/board   56K+Chunkyppc.library (WarpUP and 68k suppor
IE-GuideFR.lha       gfx/edit    76K+Image Eng. - French Documentation
ImEngV3.41p1.lha     gfx/edit   617K+Image Engineer v3.41 (Wision r2) - 1/2
ImEngV3.41p2.lha     gfx/edit   434K+Image Engineer v3.41 (Wision r2) - 2/2
ChamanPattern.lha    gfx/misc     3K+Self-Painted Window-Borders For Birdie
SvIVFix907.lha       gfx/misc    42K+*Fix* for SViewIV V9.07a (3.2.2000)
akMPEG4.lha          gfx/show   144K+MPEG player for CyberGfx/AGA V4.30 (68k/
AmpGui.lha           gfx/show    23K+Nice GUI for the AMP Movieplayer V 0.1
Show040.lha          gfx/show   478K+Cybergfx only picture viewer (040) V2.10
pcmser.lha           hard/drivr  14K+Freeware PCMCIA modem driver. V0.9
Spitfire.lha         hard/drivr 428K+A Palm Desktop for the Amiga!
mccontrol.lha        hard/hack  295K+V1.39 PSX MemoryCard Reader
TestGear1.lha        hard/hack  325K+Simple test equipment projects.
TestGear2.lha        hard/hack  192K+Simple test equipment projects.
A2Adt4Am.lha         misc/emu    97K+Apple ][ Disk Transfer via Serial Port
Aaf.lha              misc/emu    18K+Unpacks Apple archives  68k/PPC/Wos
AmiGenerator.lha     misc/emu   276K+Sega Genesis/MegaDrive emulator for Warp
DarcNES.lha          misc/emu   143K+NES/SMS/GG/PCE/SG1000/CV emulator v9a020
Mac-Unsea10.lha      misc/emu    46K+Dearchives Mac SEA (68k/PPc/Wos)
Nostalgia.lha        misc/emu   178K+THE Multi-Emulation system, support for 
pcx_emu.lha          misc/emu     2K+A guide to how PC software performs unde
Unpit.lha            misc/emu    29K+Unpacks PackIt Mac files (68k/Ppc/Wos)
imdbDiff000128.lha   misc/imdb  2.1M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
imdbDiff000204.lha   misc/imdb  2.0M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
LocaleCS_BB1.lha     misc/misc  134K+Czech and Slovak Locale (BB1 update)
LocaleCS_main.lha    misc/misc  722K+Czech and Slovak Locale v2.0
SpaTra06.lha         misc/misc   81K+Spanish Translations Pack 06 v0.45
DAlmanac_Exe.lha     misc/sci   1.4M+Next Generation Planetarium (1.8.6)
rc.lha               misc/sci    48K+Amiga Runcoach, runner software
Weary_eyes.mpg       mods/elbie 4.3M+Weary Eyes [SadSynth] with Vocals by Elb
Amigaisback.lha      mods/med   158K+OSS1.03c Med by The Dizsardt
OldTimes.lha         mods/med    22K+Medievalish MED by Faroul
twig_egg.lha         mods/med   200K+Eggbox, a tune by DJTwiglet
twig_mya.lha         mods/med    46K+MyArz, a tune by DJTwiglet
twig_sho.lha         mods/med   157K+Shoes, a tune by DJTwiglet
bns_thedust.lha      mods/misc  1.0M+"The Dust" by [effron^BNS] - atmospheric
brm_lumi.lha         mods/misc  383K+XM by brm.
brm_sala.lha         mods/misc  436K+XM by brm.
Fharp.lha            mods/misc  780K+Mozart's "Flute and Harp Concerto" K.V. 
sbf_usit.lha         mods/misc  115K+User in Trance (complete upload) - XM - 
lnsM18_MiEp1.mpg     mods/mpg   2.8M+Midi Child - Midi Ep (part 1/2) 
lnsM19_MiEp2.mpg     mods/mpg   2.9M+Allways on the job - Midi Ep (part 2/2) 
lou1984.mpg          mods/mpg   6.8M+MP3 Dance by Mr.Lou / Dewfall Production
rNO-L025.lha         mods/mpg   5.7M+Rno-label release no.25 by cie (tribal)
CrazySueII_mus.lha   mods/pro   308K+Music from Crazy Sue II game
CrazySue_mus.lha     mods/pro   306K+Music from Crazy Sue game
bO-003.lha           mods/techn 220K+#003 bOhema release by TZX
YouThink.lha         mods/xm    545K+"You think you are" by Standhal
PT362-fix2.lha       mus/edit   121K+ProTracker3.62 year 2000 fix
SampleE.lha          mus/edit   284K+16Bit Stereo HD-Edit Sample Editor AHI-s
dbm2xm.lha           mus/misc   233K+V1.5. Converter from DBM (DBPro) to XM (
Pegase_SRC.lha       mus/misc   145K+Hi-Q mp2 audio encoder source code
acid_flash.lha       mus/play    35K+Acidflash skin for PlayGUI
Gatesskin.lha        mus/play    21K+A funny skin for PlayGUI
GatesSkin.lha        mus/play    21K+A funny skin for PlayGUI
pgskins1.lha         mus/play   155K+3 New Skins for PlayGui v2.0 (16/256 col
pgskins2.lha         mus/play   132K+3 New Phantomias Skins for PlayGui v2.0
pgskins3.lha         mus/play   162K+3 New Skins for PlayGui v2.x
PlayGUI.lha          mus/play   483K+Finally!Modplayer with Skins! V.2.3!
(Translation: mb)

[News message: 14. Feb. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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