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Petro Tyschtschenko by eMail and Fax

Die Telebörse: What about..? AMIGA
On page 154 in the magazine "Die Telebörse" edited by the Handelsblatt there is a complete article about AMIGA. Here a few exerpts:
"No other computer has been said dead this often and yet been resurrected as the Amiga. This is not only due to the technology but also to a committed community of fans."

"Would there be an award for the "comeback champion computer business" - Amiga would own a whole shelf of those by itself. The trademark has survived two insolvencies, it has switched its owner four times and nevertheless 5 billion computer have been sold until now. Chaos is the second name of this computer which has only survived because there were always people who believed in Amiga."

Then follows the history of the Amiga until the insolvency of Commodore.

"The fate of Amiga seemed sealed but then a certain Petro Tyschtschenko stepped in. Commodores former logistics-manager talked the german trading company Escom into taking over the dead trademark. Amiga switched its owner in 1995 but still had a problem. The stocks had been dissolved by the official receivers. It was end of may and Escom desperately needed computers for christmas time. Once again it was Petro Tyschtschenko who saved the day. He found a nearly forgotten hangar in the philippines, where parts had been hoarded. Tyschtschenko managed to talk the creditors into handing those stocks over to him. After that, three philipinos sat out in the monsum rain sorting parts for about four months. In september 1995 one could once again buy Amigas in germany."

Then follows one more odyssey for the Amiga.

"In the late summer of 1999 Collas left. His plans where frozen and Gateway sold the trademark Amiga to a start-up-company, Amino-Development. Its managers want to continue the work on which Gateway gave up and develop new hardware. One thing is clear: As long as the Amiga-community and Petro Tyschtschenko exist, the trademark will survive." (Translation: mb)

[News message: 14. Feb. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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