Future Visions by e-mail
DiskCopy v44.5 - fix
Andi from Future Visions writes:
On January 30th, 2000, the Amiga community was informed about the problems with the diskcopy v44.5
by amiga-news.de. At the title link, a link to our "Amiga Support Area" can be found, offering the
utility "TrackCopy64" for download. This program enables access to tracks beyond the 4GB barrier.
The support site alos lists an explanation of the diskcopy v44.5 problems. I ask for feedback by
voluntary beta testers about problems occuring with TrackCopy64. Suggestions, questions and beta
test reports please to support-computer@future-visions.de.
(Translation: mb)
[News message: 01. Feb. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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