amiga-news.de now with Web Directory
After the well-respected CUCUG Amiga Web Directory has officially left its field of activity, a big gap had to be
filled in the AMIGA-Online-World. Reason enough for the runners of the popular amiga-news.de-site and the
well-known AMIGA- software-house Innovative to develop a new Web Directory, that has now been finalized.
The name of the baby is "amiga-news.de Web Directory" and is waiting to be fed with links, so that it can grow
to the size of its recently retired big brother. Among the features of the proved CUCUG AWD, the amiga-news.de
Web Directory offers new abilities: In future, the postal address, phone- number, the logo of the site and more
will be provided for every entry. In order to keep the growing amiga-news.de Web Directory up-to-date, every
website-runner in the database has the ability to change the respective data via a self-defined password.
amiga-news.de and Innovative wish you many happy hours with the new Web Directory and declare it to be
opened from today on.
(Translation: mb)
[News message: 23. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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