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VMC Network & Communication News
  • VMC will not produce any more hardware
    Since beginning of the new Year 2000 we decided not to produce or to develop hardware any more. The company VMC will focus on software developement and license the software products to third party companies.
  • HyperCOM 1 not produced any more, rights sold
    The - nearly legendary - HyperCOM 1 interface for the Amiga 1200 will not be sold any more by VMC. All rights for further production as well as an adapted software license have been sold to "Individual Computers", who will continue to offer this product with an excellent service under the name "Silversurfer".
  • HyperCOM Plus product line sold completely
    On January, 20th, the products of the HyperCOM plus product line have been sold. The complete stock and a license for further production has been transferred to "Individual Computers". However, VMC will continue the software care and ensure proper function in the future. We kindly ask you to direct any orders to Individual Computers or a distributor that carries their products.
  • New ISDN-Blaster-3 and VMCISDN on the way?
    We're currently continuing our work on the ISDN-software. The harddisk-crash last year has destroyed large parts of the sources that have still not been restored. We're currently checking the necessity of a new generation of ISDN cards that will blast everything you know from ISDN-adapters or modems.

    Please tell us what you think about a new ISDN product that perfectly fits the need of your Amiga, as we need your feedback to decide whether this can be profitable or not.
  • The most important software-news

    HyperCOM 1 and 3+ clockport-cards
    All HyperCOM drivers have been adapted to the new clock-ports that have been introduced by various vendors lately.

    1.) ACT's Amiga 1200 Zorro-IV Bus board
    This Zorro expansion for the A1200 offers you four independant clock-ports. Each of them can be used with any HyperCOM card now.

    2.) Individual Computers' X-Surf network card
    The X-Surf network card offers two independant clock-ports and a special 26-pin expansion port for HyperCOM 3+ modules. All ports of this card are supported in the new software, even if there is more than one network card present in the system.

    3.) Individual Computers' Amiga 600 adapter
    This special clockport adapter gives you the possibility to use A1200 expansions on the "pocket size" Amiga veteran. The connector is fully supported for all HyperCOM cards with clock-port interface. However, it will be a bigger problem to find space for anything else than a Silversurfer.

    4.) Iomega parallel ZIP-100 drive
    The long-ago announced drivers for IOMega's parallel port ZIP-100 drive has entered the last stage of the intense beta tests and shows unexpectedly high transfer rates with the HyperCOM parallel ports. In our tests, Diskspeed has measured up to 450KBytes per second repeatedly.
    We're calling all HyperCOM customers who own a ZIP-100 or the later ZIP-100Plus/250 to contact us for a public betatest during the next few days.

    5.) ScanQuix parallel scanner support for HyperCOM
    For the Scanquix software, a compatible API has been implemented into the HyperCOM drivers. However, it's not known when the first version of Scanquix will be published that makes use of this API. With every single customer who will contact the Scanquix author Andreas Günther and tell him that he's willing to pay for such a software, Andreas' motivation will be increased a lot.

Best regards,
Yours Harald Frank, VMC (Translation: mb)

[News message: 21. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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