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Software News
  • Update for Digital Almanac II available
    For all registered users (shareware and CD-ROM) of the reknown astronomy program, a free update (version 1.8.2) is available for download. This update removes some bugs in the previous 040 version, and offers some useful expansions.
    Download: DAlmanac_Exe.lha

    The author announces: "This will be the last version of Digital Almanac II for 68k CPUs. Perhaps there will be some bugfixes, but no new developments. In exchange for this, the development of a PPC version (DA III PPC) with new abilities is pushed ahead."
  • Darkage Software announces two new products
    For one, there is Powerball, a simple puzzle game where the player has to remove colored bricks one by one. The game is scheduled for release in March 2000, with 80 levels in eight worlds and a level editor.

    The second product is a CD named Amiga Classix 2. The CD-ROM will contain many classic Amiga games, all of which can be started directly from CD. Included are games like Diamond Caves, Bomb Mania, Lost on Parrot Island, Hoi AGA REmix and many others more. The CD-ROM is scheduled for release February 2000, distributed by Epic Marketing.

(Translation: mb)

[News message: 21. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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