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Software News
  • Alive Mediasoft announces "Frontier First Encounters" and "Elite 3 First Encounters" for Amiga.
  • Marko Seppänen told us by e-mail that he was unable to fix the dead link to the offer page due to technical problems of the provider. Here is the correct link: offer.

    The Image Engineer PlugIn "Visual Border" now has an option (in the registered version) to create / save the border effect with single or all pictures in a directory. Orders can be placed here.
  • Virus Help Denmark announces the new VirusExecutor version 1.83 of author Jan Erik Olausen being available. Download: virusexecutor.lha - 118,140 bytes
  • Epic Marketing released two new game compilation CDs. The CD "Adventures Lair" is a CD with ten complete graphics adventures. The CD requires an Amiga with hard drive and 2 MByte RAM. Among the games are "Mad House", "Legends of Lothian", "Federation", "Blood Fest", "Seven Realms" and others.

    Ten complete games can also be found on the compilation CD "Mutantology", including the commercial Mutation games "Castle Kingdoms" (action adventure), "Tommy Gun" (shoot-em-up) and "Tin Toy Adventure" (jump&run).
  • Stefan Werner told us in the ANF that Be offers BeOS R5 for free download. Download: BeOS download page.
  • dEViL told us in the ANF that SecondSpin is now available in version 1.97beta. Download: SecondSpin_Install.lha
  • AmiDog released DarcNES (multi-console-emulator) version 9a0115a. Download: dn9a0115a.lha.
  • Hans-Werner Schober offers a new beta version 4419.03 of FastIPrefs, adjusted to OS 3.5. Download: FastIPrefs4419_03b.lha - 118 Kb
  • You can find new screenshots of "The Last Seal" at Ancor as well as new informations on the game; e.g. a new sound program is being used, which sounds great, and new sounds have also been sampled already. Additionally, new rooms have been created, and the drawing of a new character has been begun.
(Translation: mb)

[News message: 18. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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