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John Porter by e-mail

Live chat with TAO Group
The Live Chat will take place today at 16:00 GMT. Sorry for posting this so late, but I didn't have a change to translate any sooner. (mb)

Reply-To:      "John Porter"
From:          "John Porter"
Subject:       News
Date: Mon,     17 Jan 2000 17:05:13 -0000
Organization:  CADlink UK

Hi Everyone,

Just to let you know we have got a live chat with Tao Group and
hopefully fleecy to discuss the Amiga and what we feel should be done.

Tao dont have that much a roll in the development but they do have
some say and are very intrested to hear the views of the Amiga public
to help them take the correct road.

Francis Charig, Chairman and Chief Exec of Tao Group has confirmed
this with me and seems like a really down to earth guy and very sincere
in what he wants to do with the Amiga, he said he will ask Fleecy to
attend as well.

So got some ideas? questions? or just want to sit and watch? then
come to #AmigaGames on IRC Dalnet.  I will be confirming the live chat
with Francis a hour before we go ahead to make sure things are ok, if we
have to postpone it, there will be a new date given in the topic.

If you have a JAVA client you can come directly to

If you are on a Amiga you will need to download Amirc from Aminet and
log onto a dalnet server.


The best server to use is on port: 7000 group: 01

If you are on a PC you can get Mirc from

The Live Chat will be on 19/01/00 at 16.00 GMT

The Chat will be moderated you need to msg a active op to be able to
ask a question No more than 2 questions per go

Usuall IRC rules apply, swearing, name calling, flooding will end in
a ban.

Hope to see you all there

Best Regards

John Porter
Amiga Oasis Online
#AmigaGames IRC Dalnet
(Translation: mb)

[News message: 18. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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