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Petra Struck

MeKa pictures
Hosted by the Fachhochschule Karlsruhe (Technical College), the yearly "Meeting Karlsruhe" took place last weekend, for the seventh time and with about 150 participants. I was overwhelmed by the really phantastic organisation of this huge meeting. There were 5 rooms with 30-35 computers each completely networked. The Fachhochschule provided a free 10 MBit connection in addition to their rooms, which led to great download rates. Thanks to the ATM systems from HiLan, there even where 155 MBit available locally.

The hosts really had planned for everything. There was a seperate sleeping room where exhausted visitors could take a nap. A cinema was available for relaxing, and all the time fresh breadrolls, coffee, tea and other non-alcoholic beverages were offered; a really well working Internet Pizza service made the offer complete.

I had many interesting conversations, met many, many really nice people, and left with the wish to return for all three days next year. I really enjoyed myself, but I did regret not having brought my computer. I want to say thanks for the invitation, and congratulate the hosts on their excellent work.









(Translation: mb)

[News message: 17. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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