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Software News
  • TWF: There is a new poll at the News area, and the pages about "E2260" and "Maim & Mangle" have been updated. Nathan Young now works on the user interface for M&M.
  • There is a project status for Tales of Tamar at Eternity, where project head Martin Wolf makes some comments on the T.o.T. demo release on the "Amiga Future Cover CD" issue 22.

    Wolf is obviously disappointed that AF thankfully accepted the demo for the CD, but there is no report about the game inside of the magazine at all. And he is outright upset that the soundtracks have been cut short without permission.
  • Printer Driver News: The drivers 600C and 400C, and all Olivetti drivers have been updated. Moreover, there are tips for WP (wordprocessor printing).
  • Ulrich Hambuch tells us that the latest OS3.1 (Scalos) version of WBInfo (current version v2.9b) is immediately available as freeware/giftware from their homepage and Aminet. Right now V3 of WBInfo for AmigaOS 3.5 is in the works, which will be released as Shareware.
  • Stuart Walker of Digital Images speaks to the users in an open letter. Wipeout 2097 sells well, and he sais thanks for this. The project Space Station 3000 is larger than expected, but Walker hopes to state a definite release date soon. Moreover, Walker says that DI is planning to port more PC games to the Amiga, and Wipeout 2097 to the Apple Mac.

    Since Stuart Walker is unavailable from January 10th to March 31st, he will not be able to answer e-mails in this time. At the link above, you will find alternative addresses for the seperate areas.
  • Oliver Roberts: WarpJPEG.datatype version 44.5 - download: WarpJPEGdt.lha - 39 Kb
    WarpPNG.datatype 44.2 - download: WarpPNGdt.lha - 44 Kb
  • Read at Czech Amiga News:
    Jim Drew posted to the Microcode Solutions mailinglist that they are working on the PowerPC version of Fusion, but due to several reasons it will not be finished before end of January / early February.

    Macromedia announced that the source code for the Flash player and the Flash file format is offered for free licensing. Read the announcement at BeNews.

    Trogladite Software has opened a discussion forum especially for the subject Amino.
(Translation: mb)

[News message: 09. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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