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Software News
  • Peters Amiga Homepage: A serious bug has been fixed in the HP and Olivetti printer drivers. The HP drivers for the 670C and the 870C are already available for download, the Olivetti drivers will be uploaded by the author at a later time.
  • Airsoft Softwair: A new TUP version has just been released. TUP v1.5 now finally works flawlessly with Visual Prefs. Moreover, there are new catalogs for Spanish and French users, and some other improvements. Download: TUP1_5.lha
  • Aminet uploads 05.01.2000
  • Oliver Roberts: WarpJPEG.datatype 44.5 - download: WarpJPEGdt.lha - 38 Kb
  • Ralph Torchia: Spitfire (Palm Desktop) version 0.32 - download: Spitfire.lha
  • Haage & Partner offer a patch for PageStream 4.0 revision 2 (4.0r2). - download: pgs40patch1.lha - 597 Kb
  • Shadow Works today released a statement, which explains why NewsRog (a NNTP newsreader) is discontinued. In the end, several things like decreasing Amiga market, no hardware developments, software piracy and credit card fraud resulted in this descission. The last version 1.8b, from October 1999, is still available for registered users in the download area.
  • Cyberdyne Systems: New alpha versions (v45.00 alpha 6) of the stormamiga.lib for AmigaOS/68k. Some functions have been added, some expanded and optimized, and all known bugs removed. This version is for registered users only.
  • Photogenics: Paul Nolan has created three new tutorials. He is now completely reworking the manual, and would wellcome feedback.
  • Read at the Czech Amiga News:
    Those who want to see Duke Nukem 3D and Strife ported to Amiga, an contact David Bereault by e-mail.

    szip for Amiga, compiled by Allan Odgaard - download: szip_112_amiga.lzx
  • Javosoft: New FastATA4000 driver version 1.6 for Elbox FastATA 4000 - download: FastATA4000v16a27.lha
  • At Amigart Amster v0.3 is available, the freeware port of Napster MP3. The long filename and "Chat mode" bug has been fixed. Download: amster.lha
  • Andreas R. Kleinert by e-mail - aside from major optimizations of the PNG and TIFF datatypes, there are small improvements in the JFIF datatype, and PPC603-optimized versions especially for A1200/PPC users. Download:

    akMPEG4.lha - new URL!
  • SecondSpin, the new MPEG Audio Player, has been released as version 1.87B.
    Download: SecondSpin_Install.lha - V.87B
    and SecondSpin_Encoder.lha - Lame v3.57
  • Aminet uploads 07.01.2000
  • Trogladite Software: Kalbos version 1.31 released, fixing the CGX bug. Download: ts-kalbos.lha

    Major UnInstaller update planned. The new UnInstaller will not only support scripts made for version 1.0, but also those made for 1.1+. Additionally, Commodore Installer logfiles, the new UnInstaller standard and a reworked UI will be implemented.
  • Hyperion Software: A page for the game Freespace: The Great War has been added to the projects. The game is a space simulation by Volition/Interplay. System requirements: PPC-processor (maybe 68060), gfx card (maybe AGA), 3D-support by Warp3D, sound by AHI, 64 MB RAM and a 8-speed CD-ROM. Working on the Amiga port are Hans-Jörg Frieden and Chrisian Sauer.

    There is a new status report for Heretic II, where Hans-Jörg Frieden says that the four basic elements are finished.
  • VWP: Update WaveTracer DS Mark V 5.1
    After the BETA version was already available some time, the final version 5.1 of WaveTracer DS Mark V is now available. Download is possible from the VWP homepage. The update is only possible for owners of the full version, the serial number is required (can be found in the WaveTracer menu "Special", item "User-Info").
  • A technical preview of the Opera browser for Linux version 4.0a (Qt edition) has been released. Download of the alpha version: opera-19991224.tar.gz
  • The Mushroom Software homepage (F1 Software and 5th Dimension licensee) now offers a "Real-Time Voice Chat", which requires Java, however.
  • Innovative writes:
    Since our server is moving right now, there are no new informations e.g. for VLRec NG 4.0 available there. You can however order VLRec NG 4.0 already from our online shop. As soon as our presence has completed its move, we will wellcome you on a further improved and reworked website with many news. So far, please be patient.
  • Atéo: The download area has been reworked, "cleaned up" and some files updated.
  • Frank Wille: New ppc.library emulation for WarpOS version 0.7b - download: ppclibemu.lzx
(Translation: mb)

[News message: 05. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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