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Thomas Lorenz in ANF

FusionPPC - remark and request
The article below is taken from the Fusion mailinglist.
Since so far only a quarter of the placed preorders have been backed up with payments (which results in Microcode Solutions having to write the whole code themselves -> delays in Amiga and PC version), Jim Drew sees four options for the Amiga version:

  • paying back the prepaiments, aborting the project!! (NO!!)
  • continuing the project, finishing by christmas. BUT: Only for those who pre-ordered and pre-payed (hardware dongle) (not so great either)
  • bumping the price to 299 USD (probably by christmas, too) (oops, expensive...)
  • hoping that those who stated interest in FusionPPC will finally place their prepayment so the project can be finished quickly by external reinforcements.

Jim Drew is ready to hear other suggestions. Due to the large investments done so far, he is reluctant to drop the project.

Read the original message from Jim Drew:

"Well, as the clock winds down, we realize that we are not going to meet the deadline for the Amiga PPC release of FUSION. There are numerous reasons, with the most significant reason being that we have received only a small portion of the funds from the 500 that were require to pre-order. We were to use this money for hiring outside sources for writing portions of the code, which we have now been doing ourselves. This whole thing upsets us very much, as if we had known that the pre-payments were never going to arrive, we would have spent the time on the PC version and have it available already (we will always re-coup expenses in the PC market). We are disappointed that less than 1/4 of the people who pledged to pre-pay have not. Because of this, we have only a few choices:
  1. Completely abandon the project and refund the money to those individuals who did pre-pay.
  2. Continue the project with our normal staff and have the emulation available by Christmas, only to those who pre-paid (no sales to those who did not pre-pay... and use a hardware based dongle to eliminate piracy).
  3. Continue the project with our normal staff, and raise the price of the emulation now to $299.95.
  4. Please with the public to pay if you pledged to pre-pay and hope that the money comes in so that we can send out some of the work to expidite the process.

We don't know what to do. We have a ton of work done, and we don't really want to toss it away. Any suggestions?

Jim Drew, Microcode Solutions" (ps)

[News message: 19. Nov. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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