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Andreas Magerl by e-mail

APC & TCP - new products
Since the HEW, four new products for Amiga are available from APC & TCP. The CD-ROM "The Best of Airsoft Softwair" contains a collection of the FULL versions of the group that did CD32 Installer, NewInstaller, Rainboot and more.

The Scene Archives 9 is a sequel of the successful scene demo CD-ROM "The Best of Scene Archives".
A strategy game for Amiga is finally available again: SeaSide. Currently, only the German version is available. An English version will be released in some weeks. The game requires AGA, 4 MB RAM and a CD-ROM drive.

With the Info/Beginner CD-ROM, the club offers a CD which is especially targeted at Amiga newbies and club members. Readily installed tools everyone should have are included on the CD-ROM as well as all demo versions of APC&TCP, all issues of NoCover, the complete homepage (which is in itself 300 MByte in size), and various material by different club members. The CD-ROM is only available directly from APC&TCP, and is of course continuously expanded and updated. (ps)

[News message: 16. Nov. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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