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Alexander Kurtz by e-mail

Update of Aminet GUI
The Aminet GUI now offers a chat. Right now this is sadly unavailable for the current Amiga browsers! I hope the new versions of the NG browsers fix this shortcomming! Additionally, there is a guestbook, where everyone is free to leave news, ideas or criticism for me. For all who like discussing with other users, I added a forum. Here you can discuss about the Amiga, and you are free for asking for and giving advice about Amiga problems. Everyone who has a problem can ask, and everyone in the know can answer. So get to your keyboards... A small change has been applied to the mirror list. A small flag stands in front of each server, stating the host's country... Finally, the GUI can now be downloaded as LHA or LZX archive, to make Aminet access yet faster. The files can be found under Service/Downloads, and are about 880 kByte in size. (ps)

[News message: 16. Nov. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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