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Volker Grabbe by eMail

IBM PowerPC Open Plattform as PPC-Amiga?
Volker Grabbe writes:
Who wants to help me using the IBM plattform to create an Amiga-compatible PPC computer? At the title link, IBM has released a PPC750 mainboard with AGP and everything.
I am now looking for software developers helping me in writing an emulating environment enabling AmigaOS 3.5 and later (hopefully) to-be-released versions to run.
I need programmers who know UAE, and the coding of graphic board drivers based on Picasso96. Informations about graphic chips, and developer kits for the board will be made available from me. Contact: Volker Grabbe. (ps)

[News message: 22. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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