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Carsten Schröder by eMail

AMIGA-CTO Dr. Rick LeFaivre: AMIGA stays on course
+++ AMIGA-aktuell-Special +++
Our co-worker Martin Henke, who translates AMIGA aktuell to English every month, has just called Dr. Rick LeFaivre, Chief Technology Officer of AMIGA, and talked with him about the current situation and future of Amiga, which he summarizes as follows:

"The Executive Update by Tom Schmidt has agitated many. This agitation is unnecessary, however. As Dr. Rick LeFaivre assured me in a phone call today, plans have not been changed. AMIGA continues development of the new AmigaOE. However, AMIGA will not build own hardware, but there are contacts to companies on this topic. Details about which companies there are have not been given, however."

Personal summary: By this time, I am under the impression AMIGA President Tom Schmidt does hardly know the plans and work of the development department. If you believe Dr. Rick LeFaivre, there are hardly any changes at all apart from the Amiga MCC not being produced by AMIGA themselves, but by partner companies. Another Executive Update clarifying the obvious misunderstandings seems to be necessary.

Also see the Open Letter to Tom Schmidt. (ps)

[News message: 14. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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